Dr. Peter Ruane, MD


Specialty areas:

Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases


Accepting new patients:



Dr. Peter Ruane is a practicing physician with over 30 years experience. Born and raised in Ireland, he earned his Medical Degree from University College Dublin.


Dr. Ruane completed his internal medicine residency at Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minnesota) before becoming Board Certified in Infectious Diseases during his research and clinical fellowship at the West Los Angeles Veterans Affairs Medical Center.


With twenty-five years of experience diagnosing and treating complex HIV related infections with the best antiviral therapies, Dr Ruane expanded his expertise with clinical trial research, developing new treatments for another major RNA virus:  Hepatitis C.


Treating a large spectrum of patients, Dr Ruane provides the most up to date treatments available, as well as access to ongoing and upcoming clinical trials with leading pharmaceutical companies. All patients are welcome to apply for trial participation.